The Rythu Bandhu Scheme, introduced by the Telangana government, is a welfare initiative aimed at supporting farmers by providing financial assistance. Under the scheme, farmers receive ₹10,000 per acre per year, disbursed in two installments, to help them purchase essential agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. The scheme has been instrumental in reducing farmers’ financial burden, especially during the crucial Kharif and Rabi seasons.
Eligibility Criteria for Rythu Bandhu Scheme
To avail the benefits of the Rythu Bandhu Scheme, farmers must meet certain eligibility conditions set by the Telangana government. Below are the key eligibility criteria:
- Land Ownership: Only land-owning farmers are eligible to receive financial support under the Rythu Bandhu Scheme. This means that tenant farmers or farmers who do not have registered ownership of the land they cultivate are not eligible for the scheme.
- Telangana Residency: The scheme is limited to farmers who are residents of Telangana. Therefore, the applicant must have valid documentation proving their residency in the state.
- Landholding Details: The amount of assistance is based on the farmer’s landholding. Farmers must ensure that their land records are up to date with the government to receive the correct financial support.
- Non-inclusion of Government Employees: The scheme is not available to government employees, pensioners, or individuals who receive a regular salary from the state or central government.
- Non-Agricultural Lands: The scheme only applies to agricultural land. Farmers with non-agricultural land are not eligible.